Kaitlin Woodlen
Personal Profile

As long as I can even remember my first moment with Crayola markers and crayons, I've discovered the power of creativity brought a sense of wonder and joy in my life each day I spent practicing my craft. Although, I was thoroughly convinced that art became a gateway to skillfully communicate to others by conceptualizing my ideas or emotions. I've utilized quite a wide spread of art mediums, including but not limited to remarkable types of paints in gouache, acrylic, oil, watercolor paints; both oil and soft pastels; charcoal sticks; as well as both color and graphite pencils. Since my years from middle school throughout high school, I gradually developed my skills in digital art with a few well-known creative software and equipment, such as Adobe Creative Suite, Corel Painter, Autodesk Maya, Wacom Intuos Pro, and Cintiq stylus. Once I enrolled art school, I was capable of applying my early experience. Most of the college courses I've completed, tested the limits of my knowledge by teaching higher-level education for my artistic development. Part of my creative dream was fulfilled when I became a published illustrator.
Moore College
of Art & Design
I achieved the first place award with one of my self portrait for the Miriam Troop '28 Portrait Prize, as a rising sophomore. Since the beginning of my college career, I earned a scholarship and was a Visionary Honors Program Student Speaker of “Unlikely Leadership from an Introvert” at Moore’s 2019 Leadership Conference for Women in the Arts on March 2nd. By commencement day, I earned an honorary Magna Cum Laude alongside my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustraton.
Susquehanna Township
High School
I became a dedicated art student in The School of The Arts magnet program at my high school since 2013, and received my high school diploma.